Mountain Lodge: A Wonderful Alternative To The Peak
The Mountain Lodge site in Hong Kong is becoming more popular with hikers and walking tours because of the free access and wonderful views over Kowloon as well as Lantau and Lamma islands to the west of Hong Kong. The site offers a wonderful alternative to the very busy, popular and touristy Victoria Peak, which is just 10 minutes away and has wonderful unobstructed views over Hong Kong and Victoria Harbour.
At the Mountain Lodge site, there is a shop, a pavilion, and a few different viewing platforms that are connected by paved pathways. The gardens surrounding the site are beautifully maintained and great for picnics or just to enjoy the outdoors and get away from the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong for a few hours.
Victoria Gardens in particular, which is right next to the Mountain Lodge site, is a great place for a picnic but it is best to take your picnic with you to the peak gardens as there are not many good shops nearby. You can find Victoria Peak at the top of Mount Austin Road. To get there you could get the Peak Tran to the peak and then walk down to the peak gardens or you could hike or walk up Mount Austin Road. Other options for getting to Victoria peak Gardens include the 15B bus or a public taxi.